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Why short-time work can be a good option for you

Why short-time work can be a good option for you 06 мая 2020, 09:56 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

With the outbreak of the coronavirus epidemic, more and more companies have offered to introduce to some of their employees so-called “short-time work”, meaning usually a temporary reduction of work times and services and products are low.

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Emotions are contagious, catch some happiness

Emotions are contagious, catch some happiness 19 марта 2020, 13:56 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

You might think more money, a better job, or Instagram-worthy vacations would make you happy. You’re dead wrong.

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Special Announcement about the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Special Announcement about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) 10 марта 2020, 13:47 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

At AIMS International we are very aware of the possible impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on our people, businesses and organisations. We take our responsibility to monitor the situation and deal with all eventualities in a conscientious manner, very seriously. So many countries are now affected and so many people are sick and unfortunately also a big number of patients have lost their lives. This is a global health crisis.

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The “Defence and Security Industry” group, led from France by Nicolas J. Rogier, Managing Partner France (as part of the “Industry” GP led by Grégoire Depeursinge, Managing Partner Switzerland), aims to provide recruitment and talent management services to manufacturers in the sector. This group brings together 10 of our top consultants, all defence and security experts from several AIMS countries (France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,  the UK), some of whom have themselves served in their respective armed forces.

The extremely tense geopolitical situation, particularly in Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, has recently led to a renewed interest on the part of many European countries in their defence capabilities, and hence in the development of industrial capacities for the marketing of weapons systems, munitions, maintenance and logistics.

AIMS France will be a partner of the EUROSATORY exhibition in June 2024 as a participant in a series of conferences on the theme of “Recruitment and Retention of Talent”.