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Deconstruct and re-construct: the challenges of the cognitive biases

Deconstruct and re-construct: the challenges of the cognitive biases 14 октября 2020, 13:41 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

On a daily basis, every employer and employee is making decisions based on their thoughts, their beliefs and even things they have read and seen on the internet without even realising that all those have an impact on daily one’s choices.

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Aspects of leadership episode 2: Asia & North America

Aspects of leadership episode 2: Asia & North America 22 сентября 2020, 12:24 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

A regional perspective

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Aspects of leadership: a global view

Aspects of leadership: a global view 15 сентября 2020, 12:48 / AIMS International colleagues gather in Bucharest for EMEA meeting focused on operational excellence and ESG best practices

AIMS Partners and Consultants around the globe work with business leaders in a myriad of different industries and company sizes on a daily basis.  When it comes to successful leaders, we know that there is a list of competencies that might be relevant to most, however, the successful combination has a lot to do with matching the right competencies to the correct environment.

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The “Defence and Security Industry” group, led from France by Nicolas J. Rogier, Managing Partner France (as part of the “Industry” GP led by Grégoire Depeursinge, Managing Partner Switzerland), aims to provide recruitment and talent management services to manufacturers in the sector. This group brings together 10 of our top consultants, all defence and security experts from several AIMS countries (France, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Denmark,  the UK), some of whom have themselves served in their respective armed forces.

The extremely tense geopolitical situation, particularly in Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, has recently led to a renewed interest on the part of many European countries in their defence capabilities, and hence in the development of industrial capacities for the marketing of weapons systems, munitions, maintenance and logistics.

AIMS France will be a partner of the EUROSATORY exhibition in June 2024 as a participant in a series of conferences on the theme of “Recruitment and Retention of Talent”.