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What a good Career Transition Coach can do for you

Liz Ryan, CEO of the Human Workplace, writes that there are 5 unmistakable signs that you should change jobs. This article pretty much summarises what a client said to me many years ago: ‘When you find yourself disagreeing with everyone in the room, take a long holiday. If you come back and things have not changed, it is time to leave the building!’

If you can relate to the above, it might be time to invest in a good career transition Coach to help you along your journey. It is no doubt that changing jobs is one of the most stressful things you will ever do – it can be right up there with moving house and getting a divorce. How to go about finding a new job is difficult enough, let alone first working out what and where you should be looking to fulfill your career motivations.

This is not a time to make rash decisions. A good Coach will not ‘give’ you the answers, but will be a robust sparring partner, asking the right questions and leading you to finding those answers for yourself. She will also highlight areas of development and assist you in developing the behavioural competencies that you will need to become the best ‘you’ possible in the pursuit of fulfilling your dreams and goals.

At AIMS International, we have a Coach that will suit your personal style, language and experience level anywhere in the world. Talk to your local AIMS Partner today for an introduction.


Introduction written by Leonie Pentz, Managing Partner AIMS International South Africa