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"Bold Leadership” – Why New Responses Are Necessary"

Written by Peter Gasteiger, Partner AIMS Switzerland 

The world has always been changing. However, the pace of change is enormous: we are facing massive upheavals, such as e-mobility, the expected end of fossil fuels, the advancement of computer technology, robotics, artificial intelligence, and more. 

All these new conditions also have massive implications for the working world and how leaders must respond.

1. Necessary changes are often initially met with scepticism. Only when the purpose of these adjustments is clear, not just to top-level executives but also to the operational areas, the backbone of the company, can they succeed. This requires profound planning and well-coordinated communication. In practice, unfortunately, both are often lacking, also because potential negative reactions from those affected are underestimated. When individuals recognize the positives in the changes for themselves, they support the process. However, this cannot be imposed from above – How good are your change management processes?

2. Even though leaders must exercise the famous ‘lighthouse function,’ setting the course, certain leadership styles have become outdated. Flat hierarchies, adaptable, agile, multifunctional, international teams with decision-making powers are in demand. Teams are encouraged to experiment and allowed to make mistakes from which to learn. They are also allowed to express concerns and emotions and interact with superiors perceived as authentic, who dare to admit that some projects have not shown the expected success or have even failed – How do you experience your leaders and decision-making processes?

3. This is not equally possible in all industries, but many employees wish to work for a company that contributes to a positive societal and ecological development, that advances us. Leaders must be able to explain these larger contexts clearly. – Does this happen in your company?

4. The major macroeconomic changes sometimes require bold, perhaps even radical, responses. – Does your company provide forums where thinking big and out of the box is encouraged?

5. The demands on leaders are high, and the pressure is too. Managers need support: mentoring, coaching, assistance with setting the right priorities, respectful interaction even when opinions differ, and more. – Is this happening? 

More than ever, the success of corporate change processes is linked to the quality of leadership. Numerous examples of successful companies (of varying sizes) show that it’s possible. Therefore, a positive outlook is warranted… but it remains a Herculean task. 

At AIMS International, we understand the necessity of transformative leadership in the face of massive industry shifts. Our expertise in cultivating leaders and key personnel, combined with our ability to identify external talent and develop internal leaders, ensures that your organization can confidently navigate these changes. We offer tailored Assessments, Growth Programs, and Talent Management solutions, empowering leaders and teams to fulfil their potential and drive success in an ever-evolving landscape. Contact us to learn more.