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By Catherine Librandi, Senior Consultant at AIMS Switzerland & France, EMEA Head Talent Management Member – Global Sustainability Team

Challenges and needs of companies today

Survival and success in today’s VUCA-world require companies to continuously adapt to disruptions and rapid advancements in technology as well as to cope with uncertainty and complexity. To stay ahead, managers need to acquire new skills, but organisations need to support them in doing so. Furthermore, globalisation and increased M&A activity have shown that old ways of organising companies don’t work anymore: there is a need to adopt new models that prioritize the development of a higher level of soft skills in order to create a more resilient and agile workforce, one that is better equipped to navigate through major change. To succeed in today’s competitive business environment, companies must embrace change, invest in employee growth, foster a culture of continuous improvement & innovation, address critical skills gaps and ensure they have the necessary talent to succeed.

Sustainability, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) are further crucial challenges that employees care about deeply. Companies who don’t act risk losing talent and damaging their reputation. Moving to a more sustainable growth model and creating an inclusive workplace with equal opportunities for all has become of utmost importance. This will enable organisations to attract and retain top talent and create a positive impact on society. But the transition is not easy: to make this change a reality, companies have to take bold action and integrate sustainability and DEI considerations into all KPIs, business decisions, processes, and practices, communicating openly and educating people on these topics.

Another important challenge facing companies in today’s competitive landscape is the ongoing War for Talent, especially for executive roles or high-in-demand sectors. To overcome this challenge, it is crucial for organisations to identify individuals with high potential and motivation from within their own ranks as those will be able to fill strategic positions. Additionally, they must proactively and systematically address talent and competency gaps to stay competitive. By prioritizing talent development and retention initiatives, companies can position themselves for success and prosper in a dynamic and ever-changing market.

Finally, businesses are also challenged by the rising incidence of Stress and Burnout in the workplace, which can negatively impact employee health, productivity, and overall company performance. The Great Resignation has caused major loss of talent, negatively impacting companies’ performance and culture. To address these challenges, companies must invest in their employees’ professional development and well-being, but also give priority to the development of emotional intelligence in managers and foster a culture that promotes empathy, transparency, open communication and psychological safety.

Assessing talent is the keystone of any talent management architecture

At the beginning of every cure, there is a diagnosis: assessments are powerful tools that can provide valuable information about strengths, weaknesses, areas for improvement and potential of employees. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as selection, internal promotion, leadership development… Assessments can also help identify high potential individuals and provide a clear understanding of gap analysis. By using assessments systematically, organisations can make decisions based on evidence and implement appropriate development measures to bridge the gap between current competencies levels and what is required/expected, guaranteeing long-term success and a sustainable business model.

At AIMS, we understand that your employees are the very foundation of your organisation. That’s why we are dedicated to providing an assessment solution that:

  • Offers high expertise & delivers in all languages/geographies: our consultants are experts in talent management, with international experience in projects involving multiple countries and fluency in various languages. They use the same processes and methodology, are certified in scientifically validated psychometric tools and are professional coaches
  • Offers tailored evaluation approach: we draw on our international experience to deliver tailored and effective solutions at local level addressing the specific needs of each client
  • Uses your competency framework: our unique solution is tailored to align perfectly with your organisation’s unique competency framework. With us, you can be confident that your talent management strategy will be fully optimised to meet the specific needs of your business and your employees
  • Checks the fit with your company values: our unique solution ensures alignment with your company values, ensuring that your talent management strategy is not only effective but also reflective of your organisation’s core principles
  • Commits to ethical, unbiased & accurate assessments: through our robust methodology and multiple assessment techniques, we ensure fair, non-discriminatory & comprehensive coverage of competencies and behaviours. To ensure fairness and objectivity, our assessment and development centres involve several assessors
  • Gives you the flexibility to choose the appropriate solution for every specific situation combined with competitive volume pricing

Looking for a talent management solution that provides both quick wins and long-term results, drives performance and maximizes potential? Our assessments identify employee strengths, potential and weaknesses, provide a roadmap for improvement & help you make informed decisions. Of course, we can then also support you in the development and implementation of a variety of HR-projects to build on the results of your diagnosis.


Get in touch with one of our experts to explore our range of offerings for your assessment and development needs and receive all the necessary information to make the right choice for your organisation.