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Aspects of leadership: a global view

15 september 2020, 12:46    Publications 0    0 0

AIMS Partners and Consultants around the globe work with business leaders in a myriad of different industries and company sizes on a daily basis.  When it comes to successful leaders, we know that there is a list of competencies that might be relevant to most, however, the successful combination has a lot to do with matching the right competencies to the correct environment.


The environment is dictated by culture; whether it is a start-up, a growing SME or a large multinational (looking to improve efficiencies and optimise supply chains as opposed to gaining more market share), etc.


Keep a look out for our Partners’ opinions on which are the key requirements for successful leaders in their respective countries/regions to be published in the weeks to come.


To read more about this, please click on the titles or images to the right.

Introduction written by Leonie Pentz, Manager Partner AIMS International South Africa