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President AIMS International says organisation monitors possible impacts of the Coronavirus outbreak

10 march 2020, 13:50    Publications 0    0 0

At AIMS International we are very aware of the possible impact of the Coronavirus outbreak on our  people, businesses and organisations. We take our responsibility to monitor the situation and deal with all eventualities in a conscientious manner, very seriously.

So many countries are now affected and so many people are sick and unfortunately also a big number of patients have lost their lives. This is a global health crisis.

Being a global organisation with offices in over 50 countries and clients all over the globe, we have a vast number of interactions daily between clients, candidates and consultants and partner offices. It is at times like these where we are again made acutely aware of the benefits of our virtual systems and progressive working style which we have actively developed over the last years in order to become a more sustainable global business. We continue to encourage virtual interactions and continue to monitor and adapt our physical interactions we have with our various stakeholders.

It is, however, still important to conduct some business and build relationships in person and certain events are held annually, including General Assemblies, regional and national conferences. We will remain cautious in the planning and execution of our meetings until such time as the World Health Organisation (WHO) tells us that the situation has been contained. With daily meetings being held with clients and candidates we now aim to keep our physical interactions to a minimum and strive to continue to host virtual meetings as far as possible.

Besides increasing general hygiene, all employees who can work from home and need not be on location will be required to do so. Fortunately many AIMS International Consultants are well equipped to work from home and employees can continue with business-as-usual avoiding all possible contact with the virus. Lastly, we will continue to make a concerted effort to keep all our employees and clients well informed on any developments regarding this outbreak ensuring that we make use of reliable sources provided to us by health and government departments.

The short term effect for all parties at AIMS International is relatively low, but we have however decided not to execute a regional meeting in our APAC region which was to be hosted in Shanghai, China. Our local offices in China have kept employees home for some days, shifting their work schedules in accordance with the suggestion from local authorities.

In our strive to stay digitally relevant, we have also recently developed an eVoting tool via our intranet platform, to ensure crucial decisions can still be made irrespective of such incidents.

It is heartbreaking to see so many critically ill people and that more than 3.000 people have already lost their lives due to the virus. Our hearts reach out to those affected and we hope that the combined efforts of WHO and the health services of the countries’ most severely affected will contain this outbreak soon.


Written by Bernardo EntchevPresident AIMS International and the AIMS International Marketing Team